Task management application

10 weeks – 30% timesaving – 25% performance waves: Airlines revision

Tech stack
Power App, Power Automate, Power BI, SharePoint
10 weeks
04 members

Meet Bamboo Airways

Being the most loved airlines in Vietnam, Bamboo Airways soars the sky with their stellar cabin services. With flights increasing by 22% annually, the challenge of managing 2,000 remote and onsite employees became apparent.  

Embracing Microsoft Power Platform, Bamboo soon bridges their communication gaps and attains a 25% surge in task completion rates with a centralized task management system.  

Challenge in managing 2000 employees

Having a mobile workforce across diverse locations, Bamboo still trapped with old-school ways of working. Their workflow was mainly updated through chatting and emails, constantly messing up communication and progress tracking.  

Managers were struggling to understand why their team was underperforming and where the bottlenecks were. This was a common snag for SMEs, pressuring Bamboo to find a solution that precisely matches their operation model.  

Our solution and methodology

Why we choose Low-code

As their operation was spiral with bottlenecks, Bamboo Airways demanded a quick fix. And low-code is the first thing that came to our mind. 

First, the airline was already using Microsoft, making it super easy to integrate the Task management system into their daily digital process.  

Second, shout out to low-code, a year-long project turned into a 10-week sprint with only 4 members, saving both time and money.  

Our story starts as Synodus and Bamboo share the same office building. This proximity allows our team to response faster and provide immediate on-site support. We convinced Bamboo on board, allowing us to tailor a Microsoft setup that fit them like a glove.

Task management system: A sidekick for employees and managers

Utilizing Power Platform, we built a communication-centric solution that connects Microsoft Teams, SharePoint and Office 365 with the task managers.  

This has bolstered a unified and efficient workspace, loved by all Bamboo’s executives: 

  • Task management in Teams: Check which task is in progress, which is close to deadline and add new task without ping-ponging between apps.  
  • Automatic Workflow: Powered by Power Automate, every new data and document made in Office 365 and the task management will be transferred and stored at a centralized SharePoint hub.  
  • From basic to complex features: Covering anything such as task scheduling, task appointing, task prioritization and task scoring. 
  • Effortless Kanban interface to update and keep track of your task. 
  • Real-time analytics with Power BI: Check progress and performance per task, project, department or individual, giving insightful updates for managers and executives.
  • Adaptive and flexible architecture: An open APIs setup that Bamboo can mix and match with tools in and out of MS ecosystem.

Looking for a performance boost like Bamboo Airways?

Number talks

Not just getting their workflow back on track, team leaders and managers can now see things with accurate insights, fostering data-driven decision. 

Impressed with the result and our meticulous work, Bamboo Airways continued to entrust us with a much bigger project – overhauling their legacy ERP system and expanding analytical capabilities for better planning. 

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Results & Impacts

surge in task completion rates right after 3 months of using the application
increase in on-time task delivery rate.
of manual tasks are cut down thanks to automation
weeks are what it takes to build the software, instead of a year-long project
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