The dashboard lets users monitor the overall stocks situation to see if the stocks on hand are aligned with the sales trend and if the lost sales and coverage numbers are alarming. Together with the status of incoming stocks, it helps to plan out the most suitable stocks purchasing down to each stock location of choice.
Questions to ask
Dashboard views
Inventory Management
Is the current stocks on hand number aligned with the net sales trend? Is it too small when the products are sold well or too big otherwise?
$ Net Sales vs $ SOH
Prevent stockout in future
Monitor lost sales caused by stockouts
Is the stock situation alarming?
Count OOS Stock
Coverage vs $ Lost Sales
Coverage Status
Track the transfers of stocks
How are the stocks being transferred?
Incoming $ SOH
Incoming Stock
Incoming Stock $
Stock Received
Stock Received $
The number of days that a company can cover its demand with the stocks it has in storage.
Lost sales:
Missed opportunities caused by stockouts of popular items measured by calculating the average units and average values sold in the past 365 days.
SOH or stock in hand:
The amount of stocks available at a particular time.
Inventory analysis
This report dives deeper into all stock informations of all SKUs and allows users to choose buttons to sort out SKUs based on their coverage status, then quickly check SKUs that has lost sales, SKUs that is out of stock, stocks being critical or low when they need to. The informations in the table cover net sales, incoming stock, stock on hand, lost sales, coverage, gross margin, sales mix and COGS, by values and units. The goal is to closely monitor the stock status of each SKU and assist inventory decision making after considering both the sales and the stocks of the product.
For example, when the DailySales MA365 and net sales units of a product is high but the SOH units are low, purchase orders should be placed as soon as possible to meet the demand. In another case, when the SOH units, coverage is low but the DailySales MA365 is also low, the filling up for this SKU might not be immediately necessary.
Active SKU:
SKUs that are being sold by the business.
MA30 or moving average 30 days:
The average amount in the nearest 30 days.
Values of the stocks on hand calculated with the average price that the product is currently being sold for.
COGS or cost of good sold:
The direct costs of producing the goods sold including costs to the distributors, manufacturers or retailers.
This report is used to monitor the profitability of the investment in inventory using GMROI along with gross margin and the number of stocks on hand.
Questions to ask
Dashboard views
Assist inventory purchase decisions
Which product category is doing well in bringing about both gross margin and GMROI?
GMROI vs Gross Margin $
Gross Margin $, GMROI and Average SOH $ by Category
Track outcomes of previous inventory purchase decisions
In a particular month what was the value of stocks on hand and their GMROI?
GMROI or Gross Margin Return on Inventory Investment:
The profitability of every dollar you invest in inventory.
Stock health
This dashboard breaks down stock coverage, stocks on hand value, net sales value and GMROI by stock types so that users are informed whether a stock type is healthy or not. A healthy stock type typically possesses a balanced combination of these factors.
Questions to ask
Dashboard views
Monitor stocks on hand value by type
How much is a stock type’s stocks on hand value in the chosen period?
SOH $ by Stock Type, Net Sales $ by Stock Type
Monitor net sales value by type
How much is a stock type’s net sales value in the chosen period?
Monitor stocks on hand value, net sales value and GMROI by type
How have stocks on hand value, net sales value and GMROI of each type progressed through time?
GMROI vs $ SOH by Stock Type
Emergency stock & Stock in transit
The report focuses on emergency stocks – products out-of-stock or being listed as critical – and stocks in transit, with the goal is to prevent stockouts which eventually will cause lost sales, to track incoming stocks and to make decisions of placing purchase orders to meet the demand. The SIT range allows users to change the date range for SIT tracking – when a desired number of days is given, users can see how the coverage after the added dates would be like compared to the current coverage, and how the number of incoming stocks change afterwards. This flexibility will give out the most detailed informations on the stock status by each SKU, thus better inventory arrangements.
Questions to ask
Dashboard views
Foresee the stock status after the date range
How will emergency stocks be after incoming stocks arrive?
Current Coverage
Coverage after SIT range
Monitor stocks incoming
How many stocks are coming for each SKU, in total and in the date range?
Incoming SIT
Incoming SIT Range
Monitor SIT for all styles
How many stocks are coming for each SKU in all styles by their expected arriving date?
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