Top 10 defi use cases that solve startups’ problems in Finance

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Finance is undergoing a radical transformation with the rise of Decentralized Finance (DeFi). DeFi creates a transparent, inclusive, and efficient financial ecosystem using blockchain technology. By removing intermediaries, DeFi unlocks countless opportunities for businesses and individuals.

Whether it’s decentralized lending, borrowing, asset management, or yield farming, DeFi offers fresh solutions to traditional financial challenges. In this article, we’ll dive into the top 10 DeFi use cases that are revolutionizing the finance industry and opening up new paths for growth and investment for startups.

Common challenges faced by startups in the traditional financial system

Starting a business is no small feat, and the traditional financial system often poses significant barriers to success. Let’s examine some of these challenges and set the stage for how DeFi can offer viable solutions.

Traditional financial products often lack the flexibility startups need to scale
Traditional financial products often lack the flexibility startups need to scale

High access barriers

Securing funding from traditional banks can be a lengthy and arduous process. Startups often lack the established track record or collateral required to meet loan approval criteria. This can leave them struggling to access the capital needed to launch and grow their ventures.

Limited funding options

Traditional lenders tend to be risk-averse and may not be familiar with innovative business models. This limits the types of funding available to startups, making it difficult to find the right fit for their specific needs.

Slow transaction times

Traditional financial transactions can be slow and cumbersome, with international payments taking days or even weeks to clear. This can be a major challenge for startups operating in a globalized marketplace.

Hidden fees and costs

Traditional financial institutions often charge a wide range of fees, including loan origination fees, maintenance charges, and transaction fees. These hidden costs can eat into a startup’s already tight budget.

Lack of flexibility

Traditional financial products are often inflexible and don’t adapt well to the rapidly changing needs of a startup. This can make it difficult for startups to scale their businesses effectively.

These challenges highlight the urgent need for new, innovative financial solutions. This is where DeFi steps in. DeFi provides startups with the flexibility, accessibility, and efficiency they need to thrive in today’s financial landscape. Up next, we’ll dive into how DeFi can empower startups to change the game.

How defi can solve these challenges – top 10 defi use cases

Below are the top 10 DeFi use cases that solve critical financial issues for startups, bridging the gap between traditional and innovative challenges.

1. Decentralized lending and borrowing

Traditional funding sources often come with high barriers and limited options, which can hinder startups. 

  • Problem Solved: Limited funding options and high access barriers.  
  • Solution: DeFi platforms like Aave and Compound allow startups to access loans without traditional banks, using their crypto assets as collateral. This eliminates the need for lengthy approval processes and extensive collateral requirements, making funding more accessible.

2. Tokenization and asset fractionalization

Startups often struggle with liquidity and flexibility in their financial operations. 

  • Problem Solved: Lack of flexibility and liquidity.  
  • Solution: Startups can tokenize real-world assets such as real estate or art and sell fractions of these tokens. This not only enhances liquidity but also opens new channels for raising capital, making financial operations more dynamic.

3. Decentralized exchanges (DEXs)

Slow transaction times and hidden fees can be significant hurdles for startups. 

  • Problem Solved: Slow transaction times and hidden fees.  
  • Solution: DEXs like Uniswap and SushiSwap enable startups to trade tokens directly with other users. This peer-to-peer trading reduces transaction times and eliminates the hidden fees associated with traditional exchanges, making financial transactions more efficient and cost-effective.

4. Stablecoins

Currency volatility and high transfer costs can pose challenges for startups dealing with international transactions. 

  • Problem Solved: Currency volatility and high transfer costs.  
  • Solution: Stablecoins like USDC and DAI offer a stable store of value by pegging their worth to fiat currencies or other assets. This reduces financial planning volatility and makes international transactions cheaper and faster.

5. Smart contract automation

Manual processes and inefficiencies can slow down business operations. 

  • Problem Solved: Inefficiency and manual processes.  
  • Solution: Smart contracts automate complex business processes, reducing human error and operational costs. By using smart contracts, startups can streamline their operations and focus on growth.

6. Decentralized insurance

High insurance costs and limited coverage options can be a significant burden for startups. 

  • Problem Solved: High insurance costs and lack of coverage options.  
  • Solution: Platforms like Nexus Mutual offer customizable, decentralized insurance policies, providing startups with more affordable and flexible coverage. This allows startups to protect their businesses without the high costs associated with traditional insurance.

7. Decentralized identity and KYC

Compliance processes can be time-consuming and costly for startups. 

  • Problem Solved: Time-consuming and costly compliance processes.  
  • Solution: DeFi solutions like uPort and Civic streamline identity verification and KYC processes, reducing time and costs. This enables startups to comply with regulations more efficiently and focus on their core business activities.

8. Crowdfunding and initial coin offerings (ICOs)

Traditional funding avenues can be restrictive and hard to access. 

  • Problem Solved: Limited funding options and high barriers to entry.  
  • Solution: Startups can raise funds directly from a global pool of investors through ICOs, bypassing traditional venture capital constraints. This democratizes the fundraising process and gives startups more opportunities to secure capital.

9. Decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs)

Ensuring transparent and inclusive governance is essential for building trust in startups. 

  • Problem Solved: Lack of transparent governance and decision-making.  
  • Solution: DAOs enable startups to implement transparent, democratic governance structures, improving accountability and stakeholder trust. This fosters a more transparent and inclusive decision-making process.

10. Cross-border payments

  • Problem solved: Slow and expensive international transactions.  
  • Solution: DeFi platforms facilitate quick and low-cost cross-border payments, helping startups operate globally without the hassle of traditional banking delays and fees. This enhances their ability to compete internationally. 

DeFi offers startups powerful tools to overcome traditional financial barriers and explore new opportunities. Careful consideration of business needs, risk tolerance, and technical capabilities is essential. With a strategic approach, DeFi can help startups thrive in a rapidly evolving financial landscape. 

DeFi lending removes traditional bank barriers for startups
DeFi lending removes traditional bank barriers for startups

Real-world case study of a Defi platform helping startups improve their financial wellness

The use cases provided above help us understand how DeFi can positively impact a business’s financial status. In this section, we will delve into an enlightening real case study of a Defi platform helping startups enhance their financial well-being. 

Aave, founded in 2017 by Stani Kulechov, is a decentralized finance (DeFi) protocol that revolutionizes the way individuals and businesses access financial services. Initially built on the Ethereum blockchain, Aave has since expanded its reach to include other blockchains such as Polygon and Avalanche, broadening its accessibility and reducing transaction costs.

The solution is centered around providing permissionless access to financial services. Anyone with an internet connection can utilize Aave’s platform without the need for a bank account or credit history. The platform operates transparently, with all transactions conducted on the blockchain, ensuring that users are not burdened by hidden fees. Additionally, Aave’s use of blockchain technology allows for near-instantaneous transactions, significantly improving the efficiency of financial operations. For startups, this means faster access to capital and improved cash flow management. 

Their financial products are designed with flexibility, offering solutions that cater to the diverse needs of modern businesses. One of its most innovative features is the introduction of flash loans – loans that do not require collateral, provided they are repaid within the same transaction block. This feature has been particularly beneficial for startups engaged in activities like arbitrage, collateral swaps, and liquidation management. As of now, Aave has processed over $2.8 billion in flash loans, demonstrating the platform’s significant impact on the DeFi space.

The implementation of Aave’s solutions involved several key steps. The development of a user-friendly platform on the Ethereum blockchain was the foundation, but Aave’s expansion to other blockchains like Polygon and Avalanche has been crucial in enhancing accessibility and reducing costs. Tokenization also played a vital role, with the introduction of the AAVE token, used for governance and staking, further incentivizing user participation and community engagement. The AAVE token has a total supply cap of 16 million, with a circulating supply of approximately 12.5 million as of 2023.  Aave’s liquidity pools, which allow users to deposit their cryptocurrencies and earn interest, are another standout feature. These pools provide a strong liquidity ratio and stability, even during market fluctuations, which is critical for startups looking for reliable financial solutions. 

The impact of Aave’s platform has been profound. By democratizing access to financial services, Aave has enabled startups and other users worldwide to participate in a more inclusive financial ecosystem. The platform has experienced exponential growth, with billions of dollars in total value locked (TVL), making it the third-largest DeFi lending platform. For startups, Aave offers a pathway to financial wellness through higher returns on assets, flexible borrowing options, and reduced costs, ultimately enhancing their financial resilience and growth potential.

Aave’s success story is a testament to the transformative potential of DeFi in improving financial wellness for startups and individuals. They achieved better financial outcomes thanks to the transparent, accessible and flexible defi platform like Aave.  


In conclusion, DeFi’s potential to revolutionize the financial industry is immense. The various use cases we’ve explored demonstrate how DeFi can solve numerous business challenges, leading to a more inclusive, transparent, and efficient financial ecosystem. With the adoption of DeFi, businesses can stay competitive and play a role in financial transformation. From improving liquidity and transparency to providing new financial instruments, DeFi is redefining financial services.  

Interested in exploring DeFi for your business? Synodus’s experts are here to guide you on this innovative journey!

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