Sale trends​

Daily sales​

This dashboard provides the most basic overview of the sales status of the company, helping them draw insights about net sales and the most current best-selling products. In this example, B2B is currently the most profitable channel although it does not perform well since the start of this fiscal year, and yesterday the most favored product was the men’s original boxers and padded shaper croptop.


Questions to ask​

Dashboard views​

Track most recent net sales status

Which channel has brought in most sales yesterday, this month till today and this current fiscal year till today? Did the sales yesterday align with that of the nearest 30 days?

Net Sales yesterday, Net Sales yesterday by Channel, Net Sales MTD, Net Sales FYTD, Net Sales MA30​

Inventory and marketing planning ​

Inventory and marketing planning 

Top Product (Units), Top Product (Dollar) ​

MTD or Month to date:

The period starting from the 1st of the current month till today.

FYTD or Fiscal Month to date:

The period starting from the 1st of the current fiscal year till today.

MA30 or Moving average 30 days:

The average amount in the nearest 30 days.

Sales monitor​

This report includes the basic sales trends and important KPIs from a variety of sales aspects. It covers the sales trend in the past 7 days, the sales trend from the 1st of this month to date and from the 1st of this fiscal year to date in comparison with the previous corresponding periods, and also the value trends of lost sales, returns, stocks in hand.  

As seen in the report, overall the net sales since the start of this this fiscal year has been steady and the returned items situation has been improved. The business should be concerned about the stocks as the stocks on hand has been decreasing and there was an upward trend in the lost sales throughout the year. 


Questions to ask​

Dashboard views​

Track the current sales trend​

How has the the sales trend been in the last 7 days? ​

Sales past 7 days ​

Catch the seasonality in business​

How did the sales change over the months? How has it changed from last year?​


Track other related aspects of sales​

How have the number of orders, values of lost sales, returns and stocks on hand varied since the 1st day of this fiscal year? ​

Lost sales, Returned sales, Total Orders, Average SOH $​

Lost sales:

Missed opportunities caused by stockouts of popular items measured by calculating the average units and average values sold in the past 365 days.

SOH or Stock in hand:

The amount of stocks available at a particular time.

Sales by channel​

The dashboard allows users to select a channel to view its performance details. Net sales of each channel is broken down by collections, by geographical locations and also by months for comparison purposes – in this case, the Basic collection stands out as the best-seller of all in all channels and B2C sales brought in by Amazon and eBay have been increasing steadily in the chosen period.


Questions to ask​

Dashboard views​

Understand customer’s purchasing habits ​

What channels do B2C customers prefer to buy from the most? What regions from which B2B customers spend the most on our products?​

B2C Channel - $ Net Sales B2B Channel – Avg Spend per month​

Inventory and marketing planning ​

Which product has brought in most sales yesterday by units and values? ​

Top Product (Units) Top Product (Dollar)​

Assess collections’ popularity ​

What collections are the best sellers in each channel?​

$ Net Sales by Collections​

Track channels’ sales over periods ​

How have B2B and B2C net sales advanced in the last month, last 3 months and last 6 months?​

Rolling Sales​

Rolling sales:

Rolling sales over a period is the total sales amount in that period. As the sales of a period “rolls” forward each month, the amount from the latest month is added. 

Products’ sales performance​

Sales cannibalization​

This report intends to analyze the “cannibalization” in business which is defined as a loss in sales caused by a company’s introduction of a new product that displaces one of its own older products. This interactive dashboard allows users to choose two products, track their net sales in units and values and put them into comparison.  


Questions to ask​

Dashboard views​

Monitor the impact of introducing new products​

Were the sales of one product affected by the introduction of another product? ​

$ Net Sales ​

Track the performances of products ​

How are one product’s net sales compared to another’s?​

$ Net Sales Distribution G.1 vs G.2​

Sales performance by products​

This report serves the purpose of tracking the performance of any particular product sold on its own and in bundles that contain it. When a child SKU is chosen, both the performance of it and bundles containing it are shown; and when a parent SKU is chosen the net sales are also broken down into contained SKUs to see how each is being sold. From there, users can detect where one product’s sales prevail – whether on its own or in any bundles – and have strategies to optimize the outcomes. 


Questions to ask​

Dashboard views​

Assess in which form a product is better sold ​

How is this product performing on its own and in bundles? ​

Net Sales by Months and B.Style Net Sales by Bundle Type​

Track a product’s detailed performance​

How much sales, sold units, gross margin does this product bring about? How many percent do bundles containing this product take up in all? ​

Bundle Sales only Total Sales – Impact on Child Product​

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