ERP system

Synodus platform delivers seamless ERP solution for SME bank

Finance & Banking
Tech stack
Synodus Platform
16 months
5 members

A mid-sized commercial bank faced a daunting challenge as it aimed to integrate finance, HR, and CRM functions efficiently. Ultilizing Synodus’s own low-code platform, the bank transformed its disparate systems into a unified ERP solution. Within a year, the bank experienced unparalleled efficiency gains, marking a remarkable evolution in banking operations. 

Challenge in functions management


The bank’s endeavor to fortify its financial processes confronted several hurdles: 

  • Cost-prohibitive solutions: Traditional ERP systems proved excessively expensive for a mid-sized institution. 
  • Lack of tailored solutions: Existing tools lacked customization crucial for the financial sector’s stringent regulations and rapid developments.

Synodus offered a breakthrough

Cutting-edge technology stacks: Leveraging Synodus’ low-code platform, cloud-based infrastructure, microservices, and Kubernetes ensured optimal performance. 

Customizable, pre-built components: Synodus provided adaptable elements like Tables and Charts, reducing development time and costs significantly.

Our solution

Technical solutions

  • Modular ERP architecture: Design microservices-based architecture for independent development, deployment, and scaling of banking functions. 
  • Cloud infrastructure & Kubernetes: Host on Azure, leveraging Kubernetes for scalability and cost-efficiency. 
  • Custom development & integration: Develop tailored solutions using modern programming languages and frameworks for seamless integration with existing systems. 
  • Pre-built components & customization: Implement user-friendly interfaces with pre-built customizable components, reducing development time and costs. 
  • Security & compliance: Implement robust security measures, including encryption and role-based access control, to ensure compliance. 
  • Continuous improvement & support: Establish a roadmap for continuous improvement, incorporating user feedback and evolving regulatory requirements.

ERP functions and key features

Finance module

Low-code financial reporting: 

  • Drag-and-drop reporting tools for generating financial reports. 
  • Customizable templates for regulatory compliance. 

Automated transaction workflows: 

  • Visual workflow builders for automating payment processing. 
  • Configurable rules engine for transaction routing. 

Budgeting & forecasting wizards: 

  • Intuitive budget planning tools. 
  • Forecasting wizards with AI-powered analytics. 

Risk management dashboards: 

  • Dashboard widgets for displaying risk indicators. 
  • Configurable risk assessment forms. 

HR module

Employee self-service portals: 

  • Low-code portal creation for managing personal information. 
  • Workflow builders for HR task automation. 

Recruitment process automation: 

  • Drag-and-drop interfaces for managing job postings. 
  • Template-based onboarding workflows. 

Centralized communication hub: 

  • Platform for employee interactions and collaboration. 
  • Integration with HR processes and event management. 

CRM module

Customizable customer profiles: 

  • Low-code forms for capturing and editing customer data. 
  • Dynamic customer segmentation. 

Sales & marketing campaign builders: 

  • Visual campaign builders for executing marketing campaigns. 
  • Lead scoring configuration. 

Service desk automation: 

  • Low-code ticketing system for customer query handling. 
  • Integration with communication channels.

Results & impacts

The HR module’s proof of concept yielded promising outcomes: 

  • Enhanced employee engagement: The communication hub fostered collaboration and knowledge sharing. 
  • Operational efficiency improvements: Streamlined workflows reduced administrative burdens and ensured payroll accuracy. 
  • Positive employee reception: Smooth transition and high user acceptance indicated early success. 
  • Foundation for future impacts: Early successes set the stage for broader organizational transformation

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