Crowdfunding platform

Overcoming the uncharted: Navigating ICP blockchain challenges 

Finance & Banking
Tech stack
Tech stacks, ReactJS, NodeJS, ICP blockchain, AWS cloud, Motoko, React Native
6 months
5 members

Our journey with the decentralized crowdfunding platform began with a shared vision for a user-centric decentralized ecosystem within the ICP blockchain. The mission of this platform is to be the gateway for non-crypto native users to participate in the Web3 movement.

Challenge in navigating ICP blockchain

The client had a vision but required detailed clarity and consultation. ICP blockchain, while promising, was uncharted territory. Our senior engineers delved into the details, architecting a suitable technical roadmap, while our consultants conducted intensive research from various blockchain ecosystems. Drawing from our extensive experience in blockchain projects, we impressed the client and secured their trust.

Our solution

Solution approach

  • Design thinking: We employed a design thinking process, allowing us to test and refine solutions that best matched the founder’s requirements while ensuring an exceptional end-user experience. 
  • 360-degree user research: We created a comprehensive set of research documents, including Personas, Customer Journeys, UI Requirements, User Flows, Wireframes, Designs, and Prototypes. This visualized the customer base we serve and ensured that the user experience aligned with the project’s vision. 
  • Agile delivery: Our agile approach ensured a swift learning curve, enabling us to master the technology and deliver the first-phase version within three months.

Solution provided

Our technical expertise shines in the solution we delivered for the Crowdfunding Platform on ICP blockchain: 

  • Modular approach: We designed the platform with a modular architecture, ensuring flexibility and scalability to accommodate future enhancements. 
  • ICO integration: Seamlessly integrated Initial Coin Offering (ICO) functionality to facilitate fundraising for projects. 
  • Launchpad capabilities: Empowered startups and projects with a robust Launchpad for their token launches. 
  • Staking mechanism: Implemented a secure staking mechanism, enabling users to participate and earn rewards. 
  • In-app wallet: Developed a user-friendly in-app wallet for convenient management of digital assets. 
  • Affiliate program: Designed an efficient affiliate program to promote user engagement and growth. 
  • NFT marketplace: Created a marketplace for Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), expanding opportunities for unique digital assets. 
  • Overcoming ICP challenges: Conquered the challenges posed by ICP blockchain’s unique architecture, programming language, and deployment methods.

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Results & Impacts

in seed funding was secured by the project.
projects are now listed on the platform
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