CRM system

Streamline client relations for a leading real estate company

Tech stack
Synodus Platform
2 months
6 members

Meet a leading Northern Vietnam real estate enterprise, financially robust yet hindered by outdated IT practices and resource scarcity. Seeking a streamlined client management solution, they turned to Synodus. This partnership transformed their operations, marking the onset of a collaborative journey toward modernized, data-driven success.

Challenge in management

  • Fragmented client data: Disparate databases hindered understanding client needs across departments. 
  • Manual processes: Heavy reliance on manual workflows for data input, reports, and tracking interactions. 
  • Limited insights: Inadequate analytics hampered decision-making and client strategies. 
  • Scalability issues: Rigid systems lacked adaptability to evolving needs. 
  • Slow response times: Manual processes caused delays, impacting customer satisfaction. 
  • Security risks: Outdated systems posed data breach risks and compliance issues.

Our solution

High-level approach

  • Scalability and future-readiness: Modular architecture for expansion without performance compromise. 
  • Security and compliance: Robust encryption, access controls, and compliance measures. 
  • Customization centered around business workflow. 
  • Integration and data management: Seamless connectivity for holistic customer data view. 
  • User-centric design: Intuitive interface matching team’s working style.
  • Training and support: Extensive training for CRM proficiency.

What sets our tailored CRM system apart

  • Client-centric approach: Customized to business processes, fostering rapid iteration and growth. 
  • Centralized contact management: Empowers sales teams to convert leads efficiently across channels. 
  • Streamlined workflows: Automates tasks like data entry, lead assignment, and scheduling for consistency. 
  • Robust reporting: Generates comprehensive reports for data driven decisions from various sources. 
  • Real-time sales tracking: Utilizes dynamic reporting based on live interactions. 
  • Seamless campaign management: Tracks sales and marketing campaigns across channels effortlessly.

Number talks

The implementation of this automated expense management system not only alleviated administrative burdens but also positively impacted both employees and the company’s financial operations, fostering a more efficient and productive work environment. 

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Results & Impacts

cost savings compared to off-the-shelf and traditional CRM vendors.
reduction in manual data entry in 6 months.
improvement in response times, enhancing satisfaction.
months are what it takes to tailor the whole system
Optimized lead qualification and targeted campaigns.
Enabled informed strategic decisions
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