

Tech stack

Cyber8, a veteran game studio, sought to transcend traditional gaming boundaries. Enterprising in the realm of blockchain technology, they envisioned an immersive 3D sports experience. With our expertise, Cyber8 catapulted from conventional gaming to a metaverse where users not only play but immerse themselves in a futuristic entertainment world. 


The quest for seamless transition

Cyber8 embarked on a transformative journey, migrating their flagship profitable game into the Metaverse. Their challenge lay in blending their expertise in traditional gaming with the complexities of the Metaverse. Entrusting us, Cyber8 sought a seamless transition while ensuring performance, security, and streamlined management within the evolving metaverse landscape.

Building the future with Synodus

Boasting a stronghold in the Metaverse since 2016, we brought invaluable expertise to the table. Our offerings spanned Metaverse consulting, digital asset development, NFT marketplace engineering, crypto infrastructure, and seamless application integration. Cyber8 envisioned a chill-and-earn NFT sport gaming experience, and we stood ready to turn their vision into reality.

Our solution

A breakdown of our work for Cyber8

  • Crafting immersive gaming: Developed a captivating 3D Pool Spot game aligned with the Free-2-play & Play-2-earn model, offering users an engaging and rewarding gaming experience from Cyber8’s vision. 
  • NFT marketplace engineering: Engineered a bespoke NFT Marketplace, empowering users to seamlessly trade, purchase, and interact with unique in-game assets, enhancing the gaming ecosystem’s value. 
  • Interoperability solution design: Orchestrated a seamless bridge between Blockchain NFTs, tokens, and in-game assets. This innovative solution fostered a cohesive gaming experience, enabling effortless interaction and utilization of digital assets. 
  • Optimized performance for Gacha events: Devised a custom solution for handling vast data submissions during Gacha Events, ensuring uninterrupted performance and user engagement. 
  • Fortified security measures: Implemented smart contract-based verifications to uphold the integrity of Gacha Boxes, preventing unauthorized access and ensuring data consistency. 
  • Streamlined token management: Constructed a smart contract system for efficient token deposit/withdrawal management, incorporating multiple approval tiers for enhanced security and control.

Result & Impacts

Our client’s testimonial exemplifies our unwavering commitment to delivering successful products with utmost dedication and excellence. 

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