Monitoring the quality control of finished goods is absolutely crucial as they inform the business about its actual capability of producing good products after getting the input of only good materials, also whether they achieve the producing plans or not which directly is connected to how they fulfill the orders from the buyers. The numbers are put into comparison with the previous month so that the users can tell how they are progressing through time. 

This is report identifies opportunities to achieve the below goals:

  • Track the number of finished goods, good FG, rework FG and scrap FG
  • Track the causes for rework FG and scrap
  • Track the production line that causes the most and least rework FG and scraps
  • Monitor the number of good FG ready to be sold compared to the planned numbers
GoalsQuestions to askDashboard views
Track the number of finished goods, good FG, rework FG and scrap FG 

How many was the number of finished goods, the number of them passing QC? How many has to be reworked and how many are scraps?  

No. QC on FG, No. FG passing QC, No. Rework FG, No. Scrap FG, No. Rework FG this month and last month, No. Scrap FG this month and last month
Track the causes for rework FG and scrap 

What was the reasons for the rework FG and scrap? 

No. Scrap FG by reasons,
No. Rework FG by reasons
Track the production line that causes the most and least rework FG and scraps  

The rework FG and scraps were made on mainly what production line? 

No. Scrap FG by production line,
No. Rework FG by production line
Monitor the number of good FG ready to be sold compared to the planned numbers How is the number of good FG after QC compared to plan?  Data table 

*Key Terms

Finished Goods (FG): 
Products that have completed the manufacturing process but have yet to be sold to customers.

No. QC on FG:
Number of QC times of finished product

No. FG passing QC / Good FG:
Number of good finished products

No. Rework FG:
Number of finished products to be redone

No. Scrap FG:
Number of scraps

% FG passing QC:
% Number of good finished products out of total QC

% Rework FG:
% Number of finished products to be reworked out of total QC

% Scrap FG:
% Number of scraps to total QC

No. Rework FG LM:
Number of finished products to be reworked last month

No. Scrap FG LM:
Number of scraps last month 

Avg Sold Units:
Average actual sales

Planned No. Goods:
Number of good finished products as planned

% Good to Planned:
The actual percentage of good finished products compared to the plan

QC – Finished Goods Report

  • The percent of good FG should be as close to 100% as possible – since the materials had gone through quality control and it’s left for the manufacture to produce good products. The fluctuation of it indicates issues that come up in production lines, or subjective reasons of the labor force. Efforts to find and reduce these factors can improve the efficiency in the production of goods, avoid losing cost into dealing with scraps and labor into reworking.
  • The data table highlights SKU that doesn’t meet the number of products as planned for the chosen period, which helps adjusting production plan and also purchasing plan. There is also the actual number of sold units for each SKU on average to give users an idea on how good products are being produced compared to its actual demand.
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